Is Entrepreneurship Right For You?

Is Entrepreneurship Right For You?

  • Identify the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs
  • Identify the characteristics of good team members
  • Assess whether you have what it takes to succeed in your own business

Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs:
  • What Characteristics do Entrepreneurs Possess?
  • Successful entrepreneurs are:
  • independent
  • self-confident
  • determined
  • goal-oriented
  • achievement-oriented with high standards
  • creative
  • able to act quickly
  • technologically current

Good Team Members:
  • Entrepreneurs Recognize they need good relations with stakeholders
  • What are Stakeholders?
  • Stakeholders: a person, group, organization, member or system who affects or can be affected by an organization's actions
  • What are some examples of stakeholders?
  • Student Contributions
  • Stakeholders:
  • Partners
  • Investors
  • Employees
  • Suppliers
  • Customers
  • Creditors

Characteristics of Good Team Members:
  • Good team members display the following traits:
  • commitment
  • competency
  • communication
  • cooperation
  • creativity

Are You Right for Entrepreneurship?
  • self-assessment - an evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses
  • List your strengths and weaknesses
  • Ask others of your strengths and weaknesses
  • Take professional tests to assess your abilities

Assess Your Interests:
  • choose a field that
  • interests you
  • you will enjoy
  • center your business around your interests or hobby
  • Analyze experience with past employment

Assess the Advantages of Entrepreneurship:
  • Entrepreneurs
  • are their own bosses
  • can choose a business that interests them
  • can be creative
  • can make large sums of money

Assess the Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship:

  • Disadvantages of entrepreneurship:
  • risky – you absorb all the loss
  • uncertain and irregular incomes
  • long hours
  • all decisions are made independently

Aamir Shahzad :-)


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