Third party keyboard for iPhone...!!!!

Third party keyboards are finally supported in  ios 8. In case you're fed up of the existing Apple keyboard, simply head on down to the App Store and look at the rapidly developing program of option choices.

With 3rd party keyboard you can begin from writing, to swiping, to drawing, and you can do everything in style with a million subjects and distinctive looks. To provide for you a thought of what's out there, here is an example of third party keyboard.

Swift-key Keyboard:

Swiftkey is a standout amongst the most well known option keyboards accessible on Android. Presently that Apple has at last permitted 3rd party keyboard in ios 8, you can now utilize it on your iphone or ipad too.

Benifits of Using Swiftkey:

  • The Biggest benefit is that it is freely available.
  • It has quite beautiful themes.
  • Its Text Prediction is quite Excellent.

Drawbacks of Using Swiftkey:

  • The one and biggest drawback is Privacy Issue.
  • As it is new on ios so it only supports a few languages.
You Should Try it for Once. :-)


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