News on HRM, 11 Sept 2013


Job interviewers adverse towards tattoos

11 Sept 2013

A new study has found that tattoos may damage a job interviewees career prospects for life.

The research by the British Sociological Association (BSA) stated that regardless of how intelligent and articulate a job applicant is, if a tattoo can be visible, potential employers will secretly rule them out as looking “dirty” and “unsavoury” or even “repugnant”.

Even employers who also may not personally object to body art would reconsider their decision about hiring someone with a tattoo as it might damage their company’s corporate image.

Dr Andrew Timming of St Andrew’s University School of Management said that customers might project a negative service experience based on stereotypes that those with tattoos are thugs and druggies.

Dr Timming said that bosses’ concerns were based on views of what their organisation’s clients might think.

“The one qualification to this argument is there are certain industries in which tattoos may be a desirable characteristic in a job interview,” he added.

The BSA study suggested that those with a tattoo from their youth could turn it to their advantage – provided they intend to become a prison officer. The positive outlook on tattoos also applies for military veterans who see them as “badges of honour”.

Some images, such as flowers or small animals were found to be easier for employees to overlook. But definite turn-offs included spider’s webs on people’s necks, guns and erotic imagery.


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