News on HRM, 12 sept 2013


Singaporeans reluctant to be posted overseas

12 Sep 2013

Singapore has been limited by its own citizens for being reluctant to be posted overseas, and in turn hinder their progress in multinational companies (MNCs).

The view was aired by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his speech at trade agency International Enterprise Singapore’s 30th anniversary dinner.

“Singaporeans don’t always go as readily as their employers would like them to,” he said in a dialogue session.

“It’s a limitation for us. If we are not able to do that, I think it constrains our potential in the world,” responded Lee to a question.

The common reasons for this reluctance to uproot include the education of an employee’s children and a spouse’s career.

However, Lee said that if an employee wishes to reach high positions and eventually lead an MNC, he must be willing to travel, even to difficult places.

“You must have that experience not just of Singapore, not even just of South-east Asia, but also of being deployed to headquarters, being familiar with another continent,” he added.


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